The Next Generation
The everyday crew
After a spontaneous decision in 2013 to sell everything and travel Australia for a year with their 3 young boys, Owners of Eversley Vines – Matthew and Shelley Grant found themselves returning to Tasmania with new found dreams of living off the land and the freedom of further travel.
Little did they know that life had another plan for them in the form of viticulture.
Promising themselves to look at everything ‘real estate’ before committing, they stumbled upon a 23 acre block at Legana and the rest is history.
With both Matthew and Shelley working on the front line of the health and emergency services, the vineyard provides a calming balm for the stressors associated with their chosen professions.
It has been a real labour of love with the establishment and ongoing running of the vineyard. No matter what the weather, there is something to be done. We are very proud of what we have achieved here and enjoy sharing our Tamar Valley wines with others.
Hard workers
The boys
Fully deserving of a mention, the 3 grant boys, F’Romsa, Eli and Flynn all play a role at Eversley.
Wine Dog
The boss
Not just a pretty face, Sophie has many important jobs at Eversley.
She is the keeper of the Eversley Girls ensuring they are where they are meant to be with the instinctive grace of a true Kelpie.
She is the greeter of new arrivals and the entertainer of small children. The companion needed for the long days in the vineyard. The deterrer of unwanted birds and pests and the Grants much loved 4th child.
The Eversley girls
Let us introduce you to The Eversley Girls (Sheep)!
Chloe, Chardonnay, Bubbles, Gris and Rosie.
These special woolley girls are part of our vineyard sustainability program here at Eversley and are employed to go about their daily business… Eat, Weed, Fertilise, Repeat.
Running sheep in the vineyard on the off season eliminates the need for chemical weed and pest control, adds nutrient to maintain soil health, reduces the need for machinery use and gives us time to concentrate on other important jobs in the vineyard.
A big round of applause for the girls.